mercredi 25 février 2015

Quest For The Secure Android ROM

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I Realize this is a nearly impossible request due to androids deeply embedded high level backdoors hidden within the kernel but nevertheless i need something that meets these standards as best as possible, Also if you feel like any other non-android based OS is preferable please let me know why.

+Compatible with samsungs: note2,galaxy s2 & galaxy s4 (If not compatible with some or any of these but still exceptionally secure I would still love to know about it & the reasons why) +Compatible with Secdroid, Xposed, Xprivacy, droidwall & an OSTN ZRTP Encrypted VOIP SIP Client (Ostel/Linphone) +hardened kernel +Little to hopefully no backdoors +Hard drive encryption +Ability to disable baseband and not have any unwitting communications +Ability to run without Gapps & any bloatware lol

So far i've looked into: Replicant Omni Paranoidandroid Keyrom (closed source) PrivatOS (closed source)

And the yet to be released: GuardianOS, Tails Mobile & CryptogenMod Rom

Eargerly awaiting opinions and any light that can be shed on the highly illusive solution to android/smartphone security! ~thnXaMillion!

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