dimanche 1 mars 2015

Torrent Blocking

I'm a student at a university, and recently the system admin has installed a proxy server.By doing do, he has blocked nearly all ports (for security).

Torrenting is not against the university policy.

I want to know how to bypass this restriction. I have spoken to him, he says it's the only way we would learn networking. I have tried somethings, but they all have failed.

A quick portscan on my machine.local revealed

Open TCP Port: 3689 daap
Open TCP Port: 8080 http-alt
Open TCP Port: 25035

Clearly all the ports are blocked, except 25035

Port Scanning host: (proxy server ip)

Open TCP Port: 21 ftp
Open TCP Port: 22 ssh
Open TCP Port: 25 smtp
Open TCP Port: 53 domain
Open TCP Port: 79 finger
Open TCP Port: 111 sunrpc
Open TCP Port: 513 login
Open TCP Port: 514 shell
Open TCP Port: 3128 ndl-aas
Open TCP Port: 4045 npp
Open TCP Port: 6112 dtspcd
Open TCP Port: 6481
Open TCP Port: 7100 font-service
Open TCP Port: 8654
Open TCP Port: 10000 ndmp

Port Scan has completed…

Kindly advise something.

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