dimanche 1 mars 2015

VeraCrypt/TruCrypt - I can't understand why you'd want to create a "hidden" volume...?

  1. I can't think of a reason as to why you'd want to create a hidden volume in VeraCrypt. It says because "you may be asked to hand the information," but why would I need to hand it over? Nobody has any proof of what may or may not be in that volume, so they can't claim that I'm doing something unlawful (assuming I was), because they literally have no proof of absolutely anything. Hence, they cannot make me hand over the password nor can they penalize me for defending my privacy and refusing to hand over my personal files without any proof that those files are somehow harmful (or whatever you wanna call it).

  2. Also, if you have to hand it over, it doesn't make sense that while there is 500mb/700mb occupied space when the files there only take 300mb. Where did the other 200mb go?

...But let's focus on #1, as that - in my opinion - is a more important point that just obliterates the suggested reason, far as I can figure.

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